As Ozzy Osbourne once said it , I’m just a dreamer . No one can ever stop me from being one ! Is it wrong to dream about living in a country where you get your proper value as human being ? Is it wrong to dream about having a decent job with a decent salary with a decent looking wife and kids ? Dreamers don’t want heaven but they want to move towards it and have a cast under its shadow . Why all this talk about war , differences in religion and races and all the things that would separate us even if it’s just a small difference in points of views ? why don’t you follow what your Prophet/God/Sheikh/Jesus/Priest says when he tells you don’t kill, don’t hate, be merciful,spread love and demolish hatred ? and if you don’t believe in God or a certain religion, don’t you think it’s easier to live with your fellow citizen in peace and harmony ? It is , trust me . I know you haven’t tried it yet but as soon as you do, you will never be able to let it go.
As usual I’m keeping this note very short because I like my bursts to be digestible, but that doesn’t mean that what I have inside my heart is few yet . Yesterday i came back from a silent protest against my boss to fight with a cab driver who was against the Revolution who drove me home where I fought AGAIN with the responsible of maintenance in our building but hey ! look at the bright side ! at least I wasn't caught by the police with our newly activated state of emergency..oh… yeah it was never deactivated ….
The only way from the bottom is up , bitches ! learn it or take it up yours !
and to my fellow dreamers, keep on dreaming . and to the others , suck it !
A foul mouthed dreamer
يسقط يسقط حكم العسكر و تحيا الثورة بكم يا ثوار