Monday, September 12, 2011

I’m just a dreamer !

As Ozzy Osbourne once said it , I’m just a dreamer . No one can ever stop me from being one ! Is it wrong to dream about living in a country where you get your proper value as human being ? Is it wrong to dream about having a decent job with a decent salary with a decent looking wife and kids ? Dreamers don’t want heaven but they want to move towards it and have a cast under its shadow . Why all this talk about war , differences in religion and races and all the things that would separate us even if it’s just a small difference in points of views ? why don’t  you follow what your Prophet/God/Sheikh/Jesus/Priest says when he tells you don’t kill, don’t hate, be merciful,spread love and demolish hatred ? and if you don’t believe in God or a certain religion, don’t you think it’s easier to live with your fellow citizen in peace and harmony ? It is , trust me . I know you haven’t tried it yet but as soon as you do, you will never be able to let it go.

As usual I’m keeping this note very short because I like my bursts to be digestible, but that doesn’t mean that what I have inside my heart is few yet . Yesterday i came back from a silent protest against my boss to fight with a cab driver who was against the Revolution who drove me home where I fought AGAIN with the responsible of maintenance in our building but hey ! look at the bright side ! at least I wasn't caught  by the police with our newly activated state of emergency..oh… yeah it was never deactivated ….

The only way from the bottom is up , bitches ! learn it or take it up yours !

and to my fellow dreamers, keep on dreaming . and to the others , suck it !

                                                                                                                    A foul mouthed dreamer

يسقط يسقط حكم العسكر و تحيا الثورة بكم يا ثوار

Friday, August 5, 2011

6 Things I’ve realized during the past month…

These are little things I realized during the past month … from beginning of July till today . Why am I writing them ? I don’t know honestly but there are many things I want to share with many of my friends and people generally and why ? maybe because I’m a bit talkative … I don’t know !
Mainly it’s an English post but Arabic might be used as well.
1- TV … y u no have new actors ? I was amazed seeing Egyptian series to have the same damn actors that I’ve been watching since I was a damn baby ! with the same fugly faces and same acting techniques ! Man this is 2011 ! what the hell ? bring new frigging actors ! only new style and actor I found was with Ahmed Mekky and it was hell good and hell funny … please ! have mercy ! more new stuff please !
2- Apple now is picking the ripe fruit they planted in 2007 . After the domination of Symbian that was sparked by the very needed evolution made by Nokia in the very beginning of the 2000s , the very old and prestigious Apple came back to life through iPod then iPhone which shook the cell phone world to the core and now they took the crown of the king of smartphone makers from Nokia in 2011 … Bravo Apple ! but beware ! for another beast is coming !running towards you like a raging bull … a beast called Google with its favourite sidekick : Android which doesn’t only release almost hundreds of phone models from many phone makers but also produces each year a dozen of top notch phones ( specially these created by Samsung ) while Apple on the other hand produces just one masterpiece per year … which became to be honest a very slow process considering how fast technology goes now ! A very neat and progressing OS that changes its looks and functionalities and expands beyond its limits  by each release and update . Samsung are making top-notch phones with amazing specs and amazing hardware ( specially monitors ) that as long as you hold a GS2 next to the masterpiece iPhone 4 you’ll easily see the Korean masterpiece overshinning  with its monstrous beauty of colours and symmetry. Your time is coming to an end , Apple because your prestigious iOS is overlooked by a more prestigious concept called Freedom. Mr Jobs neglecting the most used player in the world because he thinks the performance is too “fungus” for his precious iOS , using less than class cameras ( up till iPhone 4 honestly ) and neglecting a very useful tech called SD Cards , jailbreaking unlocking etc etc *yawn* and more stuff . Thank God for my new phone for it’s helpful, easy going and as lovely as it could be , we toz fik ya Osos TouchWiz 4 is good  !
3- Egypt has good looking , young and not boring girls who are less than 25 and single ! My friends do not miss the opportunity! I was hooked a while ago luckily and thankfully to the Lord but seeing you all single and miserable started to piss me off ! everyone except for Tabbakh should start looking up and why you “no”, Tabbakh ? you know !
4-FIFA 12 on the PC is gonna rock ! I didn't see an actual gameplay video yet and I don’t need to ! This game is MINE ! can’t wait to have it and play with it and against my friends ! and any miserable SOB who still likes PES , may God dysfunctions that part in your brain that makes you do ! and glory glory Man United ! best team in the world … why ? Because it’s really different !
5-The Revolution Spark is over . I loved it , I enjoyed it and hell I wish it wouldn’t end but people laid me down ! After all what the majestic SCAF has done and will do and after the not well done yet hysterical play called Mubarak’s Trial , there is nothing I can do but to pray and wish for Justice to prevail , Science and Spirituality to unite and overcome Ignorance and Stupidity in this country ! وربنا يهديكم يا شعب جاع وجري ورا بطنه ولا طالشي!خلي بطنكو تنفعكم يا ولاد الصرمة !
6-Last and anything but least : I’ve been blessed with an angel in July .. and as they always recommended : I let her go … and waiting for her to come back to see and believe that she is meant for me . Thanks for making 2011 the best year in my life and thank God , for real big thanks . Nothing more can be said about this.
If I ruined my fasting with this , Allahuma enni Sa’em !
Ramadan Karim and I love you all ! You and “you” the most !

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A letter to my best friend

I thought today what should I write since it’s your birthday but I found in my mind few words that could describe how happy I am today so I dropped the idea of making something poetic today … but there is no way I could let this day pass without doing something a bit special so I’m writing you a letter … A letter to my best friend who backed me up when everyone thought I was a fool and didn’t support me. I will not talk too much because I don’t want to waste your time reading an article on your birthday. But simply, thank you for the great years we spent together and I’m looking for more to come and us to be closer and closer … you were my greatest support and my best friend and you made my life way much better while others who had more chances than you in my life to do so ruined the chance and made it much worse … I thank you for being the way you are . Your personality is fantastic and you're such a charm :)
Tell your mom your family and all your friends that somewhere in the great city of Alexandria in Egypt , a very grateful guy lies there waiting for you because there nothing and no one in this world is worth the wait like you and again I thank you .
Until we meet
Your forever grateful best friend
Hesham or Hashu or H or whatever :p

                                   You are the best ever !
Happy birthday !

Thursday, May 26, 2011


A green field, deep blue sea surrounded by snow, a bit of sand and strawberry
Mountains and hills , curves and mills with glitter
And a dense waterfall of dark brown hair falling on shoulders and back
Creating a sensual attack
Some date scheduled , some preparations has been planned to roll
The date rescheduled, cause the big mountain crumbled
Causing some legs shaking, two bodies falling and rolling
Roll roll roll
Tears streaming on the ground , without making even a gentle sound
The exterior could be calm but the interior is a roaring sea
Oh the sea ? yeah my favorite deep blue sea
Prayers made in the middle of the night
Deep prayers in the night to ignite
The fire that was roaring inside with the roaring sea in the exterior
Nothing to do, only humble plans
In the hands of the lord are kept safe in a safe
And faith , the lord will hear the deep prayers
In the middle of the night
This is the journey
In a green field, deep blue sea surrounded by snow, a bit of sand and strawberry
Mountains and hills, curves and mills with glitter
And a dense waterfall of dark brown hair falling on shoulders and back
Creating a sensual attack in my heart
This is the journey, my journey
That I’m sticking with
This is my heart that I’m loving you with
I love you .

*All credits for drugs for writing this ... legal durgs unfortunatly !

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ماذا يحدث في مصر ؟

عندي تساؤل بسيط اردت أن اكشفه حتى يمن عليَّ من يعرف الإجابة : هل المجلس العسكري اهلا للمسئولية الضخمة جدا التي هي إدارة تلك البلاد في ذلك الوقت العصيب ؟ إني أرى ان هناك تقصير سياسي وعملي في حل  ازمة عصيبة تمر على مصر في تلك المرحلة الدقيقة ولا يتم التعامل معها بشكل قاطع وحاسم ويتم التعتيم وتكون المهاجمة لكل من تسول له نفسه ان يتسأل أو يعترض ! أريد ان اقول للمجلس العسكري : لست ملاكا من السماء لكي تكون منزه من كل معيوب ! اذا كانت طريقة التعامل مع أي عدو اجنبي ستكون بمثل هذا التخاذل فارجوا ان يتم اخبارنا حتى نترك البلد من الآن وننجو بانفسنا فأنا غير مستعد أن اعيش في بلد جيشها ضعيف الارادة والشخصية....ولبثينة كامل كامل التحية والاحترام لشجعاتها في مواجهة اخطاء المجلس العسكري الموقر والمبجل من جميع الناس الذين لا يدركون أي شيء في الحياة غير النفاق والتصفيق للسلطة الحالية...سمعت منكم ان الجيش يريد ان يذكر في التاريخ بالخير في مسألة الثورة فـأرجو الله ان يكون القصد شيءٌ اخر غير ترك الاخوان المسلمين والسلفيين يعبثون في مصر كأنهم في الحكم مسبقا ! وأرجو من كل أصدقائي ان يقرأوا تلك الرسالة ومن يستطيع منهم ان يجب اسئلتي فليفعل فلقد سئمت التخمين

أرجو ان لا يتم القبض عليَّ في تساؤلي هذا ... يعلم الله اني مجرد عبد ضعيف تساؤلي مجرد وسواس واعوذو بالله من شر الوسواس الخناس

لكي الله يا مصر

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Mubarak Inside Of You تخلص من مبارك اللي جواك

After almost a month of disappointment , depression and the worst fears of the world I’m back again to writing . I have to mention that people around me who gave really little support than what I expected from them are also to blame for me not writing but I decided that it’s a personal thing for me and whether you support me or not , I’ll just go on !

This note will be short and will be both in English and Arabic to appeal to all tastes and all cultures ( sorry for dropping French but I simply hate it ). I’ve been seeing – and all of us together- a lot of cultural damage roaming around the country : Islamists , Salafis and Muslim Brotherhood talking all the kind of non-sense you would expect from them-Clashes between Muslim and Christian people-Crowds breaking in a football match and so on. I won’t go against any group or anyone but I’ll just say one thing : we were all against Mubarak in the prime time of the revolution and that’s why we were all united . As Mubarak disappeared from the spotlight we went back to our old habit of being savages and divided herds . It’s the 30 years of the reign of Mubarak controlling your mind ! before you ask anyone to go to jail or the prime minister to be fair and swift and the military to be just and strong , ask yourself first to be deserving for this justice to prevail ! Everyone of us has a little Mubarak inside of him trying to consume and control his mind; don’t – let – this – happen !

I was gonna fall into depression but I won’t . The Revolution came in the wrong time for me and it messed up with many of my plans but that was in the past . It might even mess with my upcoming plans but that’s in the unknown . All I know is that we need a real revolution against all the bad things left out of the 30 years and if the Mubarak inside of you is not controlling you much , help your brothers in arms to be released from this demon who is trying to possess this country and Insha’Allah will not be able to.

The note idea might have been written lots of times before but that’s what I felt like writing right now .

I love you all and I love this country and I love my girl !

Cheers !


بعد شهر من الاكتئاب والحسرة و الرعب والذعر رجعت تاني للكتابة . ولازم اوجه الشكر ل كل الناس اللي حواليا اللي ادتني مساندة قليلة جدا بالنسبة للّي كنت فكره عشان هم احدى أسباب تراجعي في الكتابة بس أنا قررت إن دي حاجة شخصية عشاني أنا وسواء سندتوني ولا لأ أنا برده حكمل وهاكتب 

الكلام حيكون قصير وبالإنجليزي والعربي عشان ارضي جميع الأذواق والثقافات ومعلش مفيش فرنساوي عشان مبحبوش ! مؤخرا شفت أنا وكلنا سوا ثقافات وأفكار مدمرة بتحوم في البلد كلها : الاسلاميين والسلفيين والاخوان المسلمين شغالين شغل وكلام الله ينور اللي هو متوقع منهم يعني - فتنة طائفية ولبش بين المسلمين والمسيحيين - جمهور فريق الزمالك ودخوله أرض الملعب والجلابية والليلة الحلوة دي وغيره وغيره. أنا مش حهاجم حد واقول ده كذا وده كذا أنا حقول حاجة واحدة بس : مصر كلها كانت ضد مبارك إلا القلة المندسة التعبانة في دماغها أيام الثورة في عزها وعشان كده كنا كلنا متحدين واقويا ومحترمين . لما مبارك مشي من الساحة رجعنا تاني نبقى متخلفين وهمج ومتفرقين. ده شغل الثلاثين سنة بتوع مبارك مسيطر على عقولكم !قبل ماتسأل إن ده يتحاكم ولا شرف يبقى عادل وحاسم والجيش يبقى قوي وصارم شوف نفسك الأول وشوف إنت تستاهل العدالة دي ولا لأ ! كل واحد جواه مبارك صغير بيحاول يتحكم في عقله فـمتخليش ده يحصل أبدا

أنا كنت حدخل في مرحلة اكتئاب بس أنا مش حكتئب. الثورة بالنسبالي جت في توقيت زي الزفت بس الحمد لله على كل شيء وده في الماضي. وممكن كمان تبوظ خطتي الجاية بس ده في علم الغيب.أنا اللي أعرفه إن احنا محتاجين ثورة حقيقية ضد كل حاجة وحشة الثلاثين سنة دول سابوهم فينا. ولو إنت مبارك مش لاعب في دماغك قوي ساعد اخوانك في الجهاد إنهم يتخلصوا من العفريت اللي عايز يركب البلد وانشالله مش حيعرف .

فكرة النوت دي اكتبت عشروميت مرة قبل كده بس هو ده اللي حسيت إني لازم أكتبه

لكي الله يا مصر


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Give our women a chance ! سيب المزَّة تاخد فرصة

my fellow Egyptian people : we have got a problem ! the female sex in our country is an endangered specie ! and I actually believe it’s totally our fault . How would they live in this wild forest full of harassment, religion craze and underestimation ? How would they prove themselves in this junk of a culture we have where when you want to be decent you need to pretend , when you want to get married you need to pretend and all you need to do is to pretend well ? they even need to pretend they’re pretty to be actually pretty ! you see a fat barrel walking in tights, acting all Monroe and she gets all the attention she needs with “على فين يا قمر " and “مصلحة ولا مروحة" and such comments that any real decent girl wouldn’t enjoy ! so imagine if a real pretty girl is walking down the streets what would be her agonistic fate in these wild streets ? death by rabid predators ! even if she doesn’t want it !

Oh good ol’ days where have you gone ? when the worst thing a woman could face is a sweet gentle harassment telling her that the street is lucky to have such sexy legs hit on its floor ! but now everything seems artificial and wrong and narrow ! the options ran few and all what a decent guy like me wish for : a good girl, looking good and natural, caring about me and herself for my sake has become something of a legend ! and it’s all our doing ! When I was a kid I used to see 2 kinds of women in the street : girls that took care of their looks without a veil but yet they were respected in the street and those who were too close to God that felt that they don’t want to show their body even their hair but yet were trying to look good smell good and all these things that any human being should try to do ! girls who hid their faces wearing niqab were few and no one was even bothering about them . Then came the bloody 90’s and all this started to switch all slowly : People started to look for wives who are veiled because this showed for them that she is decent and well mannered so the number of veiled women started to increase drastically . and these who chose not to be veiled were looked upon like they are whores or let’s use a weaker word : sluts . and before you knew it with the apparition of Amr Khaled  all the streets were full of veiled girls ! the problem here is that the veil who is supposed to represent under it a woman who is religious , decent and well mannered  started the represent the commoners and sometimes even the worst of them ! awful smells of sweat and the shallowness and narrowness of minds in a scale never seen before ! most of the sluts and real whores even started to wear it as a cover and they go out at night to make out with their lovers in the street by the sea “كده عيني عينك” ! the problem with these girls is 2 things : 1st – Their percentage now in the 2010’s increased badly : for me it’s 60% of these masked sluts 15% of “real” veiled girls and another 15% for girls with Niqab and almost 90% of girls are girls with psychotic problems and the slogan “ I want to be “free”” and free here is the equivalent of “ I have complications and I’ll let it out on you” each of them is having a story that drove her into being the way she is whether is veiled , wearing niqab , wore the veil and took it off or not veiled even and is applying it on every male subject infront of her ! and 2nd : who’s the victim of all this : the decent guys like me and the good old 10% of girls ! ( decent guys could be also 10% btw )

Why do we treat pretty girls like sluts ? why do we force them “ either you wear a veil and comply or you die”?I thought these things ought to be spiritual and truly felt from the heart not forced on you else girls will be veiled or not but still horrible the way they are these days because they are always forced . I miss the days when girls used to smell like girls , when their bodies used to look like a female body not like King Kong!( ودول كمان كينج كونج وخرنج ) when they acted like females when they talked like females …. Where is the female specie , my fellow Egyptian people ? Decency doesn’t require a certain uniform for women or even men so that if you wear it you’re decent and if not so are infidel and you should be harassed in the worst ways ever ! I still moan deep inside in agony remembering the story of this news reporter who got harassed by 200 people when Mubarak left the presidency and all this because she was blonde and good looking … why ? Our women on earth wore a veil thousands of years ago before even the existence of religion and they didn’t wear it thousands of years after the existence of religion . It’s the way it’s going to be and the way that will always be so please : Let our women be women once again ! not through pretending but through existence !

وعلى رأيي الشيخ محمد عبده : رأيت في أروبا اسلام بغير مسلمين ورأيت هنا مسلمون بغير اسلام

لكن وحياة أمك إنت هناك مكانش فيه محجبات


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Revolution ?

I never participated in any protest in my life. I guess that statement now may come as a matter of pride nowadays as getting in a protest lately has been easier than getting some apple juice from a supermarket. And I state that now because I refuse to act all patriotic since I live in a free country ( at least that's what they say). I have my personal reasons for not going on any protest but the main reason for that was that I didn't see actually that the problem ever was Hosni Mubarak. I was never with him and I hated him since I was a child since i got grounded at school in a day that all people in Alexandria remember as the Black Thursday because of the traffic being all jammed and people being stuck in the streets because of the respectable President passing by through the streets, and I think that reason is a very small one compared to things I saw later on in my life.But honestly speaking, I always saw that the problem never lied in a group of people or a government or this person or that person, no. It's a problem of culture that caused this government system to be on for 58 years.Beside the problems that each individual faced daily because of the government which were the reasons why low class and uneducated people wanted to leave the country,the reason why middle and low-high class people wanted to leave the country was never because of money or unemployment or any materialistic reason only; it was actually because of culture.

Since I was born and raised in Egypt I saw things that never made sense and yet they were taken as if they are laws of nature or divine. For example: why do guys check out a woman's back always while she is passing by whether she is wearing a mini skirt or she is veiled ? Why when there is an accident all the cars passing stop by, take a 5 minutes look and then continue with their way? aren't these people in a hurry as I am in the morning to reach work in time? Feels almost as if they go around the streets only to watch accidents ! In marriage, why does the guy pay for everything and has to have at least 100,000 bucks to start his life ( that's beside buying the apartment of course) ? and why does the girl have to listen to the guy : "don't meet this" and "don't go out with that" while he can do whatever he wants without being questioned ? does it have to do with the money he paid , liked he owns her now? put that beside strange driving, uneducated people being in the spot treated like scientists while true scientists are in the obscure, corruption in the government including police etc. etc. etc..

I know many of you will tell me that the reason why this happened is the government but people I tell you : Where does the government come from ? where does the police come from ? they're all made out of you , people. All the things you teach to your kids they come out in life and apply it there and that's what these people applied there so the revolution shouldn't be in Tahrir Square and shouldn't be in the streets only. They should be in yourselves and should be in your houses.
RIP George Carlin :" Garbage in, garbage out!"
قالو لفرعون ايه فرعنك قالهم ملقتش حد يلمني !